Deabus Amor

Roughly translated, Deabus Amor means 'Goddess of Love' in Latin. Though I am by no means a deity, I believe in sharing love and good-will through each item I create.Sheika Lugtu, a self-taught dabbler in various media says, " I am by no means a deity...I do believe in sharing love and good-will through each item I create.

Sheika Lugtu is a student by day and a crafter by night. She has always been interested in hands-on type crafts -- sewing, collage, crochet etc. -- but, until recently, never got a chance to try sculpture until she discovered polymer clay 6 months ago.

Ms. Lugtu finds the Etsy community friendly and supportive making it simple to take the leap into online selling. She has always been interested in hands-on type crafts -- sewing, collage, crochet etc. -- but never got a chance to try sculpture until she discovered polymer clay 6 months ago.

Sheika creates pieces of jewelry and art that makes you smile every day. Everything in Ms. Lugtu's shop is handmade by her in a corner of her studio apartment. She not only works with clay, she also dabbles in photography and illustration.

You can read her blog, check out her Deviant Art shop and of course her Etsy shop.
