The Night Rider for Illustration Friday.


Ellen said…
Just wanted to stop in and tell you I really liked this piece!
How much do you sell your designs for? I normally pay a dollar or two at stockexpert.com when I need photostock for covers.
What a fabulous picture. It's really cool especially the tree, but then again I am really into trees and clouds. :-)
Unknown said…
Those bunnies come out at night! - very strong image, lovely illustration.

You are I are both interior design team members. Just joined IF a few weeks ago.

-Kat Hannah
Anonymous said…
LOL! Looks like something I'd dream about. You are SO creative! :-D
thedoodlegirl said…
Just love those tires on the bike! So fun!
Anonymous said…
wonderful! i'm a little partial to bunnies in anything – but this is extra fun and dreamy.
Anonymous said…
This is lovely...and for those who know me I am crazy for anything bunny!
